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Out of Stock Items and Price Changes

Please bookmark this page and check here before you request seeds to see if anything is not in stock.

Would you like to be notified when any of these are back in stock? Send an email to notify(at)JLHudsonSeeds.net - the subject line should be the full name of the item (Genus and Species or Kind and Variety - Example: Aquilegia flabellata Ministar, or Squash Round Zucchini) and the text should read "Notify", or "Notify when in stock". The important thing is to have the subject line read only the full name of the item - this is so your request is in correct alphabetical order in the folder, and send one separate email for each item. Your e-mail address is kept private, and we do not spam! Thanks!

As of 31 January 2024, the following items listed in the 2025 catalog are currently out of stock:

Ariocarpus fissuratus v. lloydii
Calochortus luteus
Campanula pyramidalis alba
Datura meteloides
Dermatobotrys saudersii
Diospyros virginiana
Galium aparine
Geranium maderense
Porophyllum ruderale - germination test pending
Ricinus communis Zanzibariensis
Salvia Greggii
Wisteria floribunda

Pea, Cascadia Snap

As of 31 January 2024, the following BULK quantities listed in the 2025 catalog are currently not available, but packets may be available - check to see if the item is listed above, in which case it is completely out of stock.

Aconitum Napellus - NEW PRICE
Betula lenta
Chenopodium ambrosoides - 5 gram unit out of stock
Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus - 25 gram unit sold out
Cimicifuga racemosa
Datura meteloides
Datura meteloides GA-3
Datura Tatula
Datura Tatula GA-3
Dianthus carthusianorum - 10 gram unit out of stock
Echinacea purpurea
Echium fastuosum - 1/4 pound unit out of stock
Eschscholzia californica Bridal Bouquet
Francoa sonchifolia
Gaillardia aristata Bremen
Gaillardia aristata Goblin
Galium aparine - germination test pending
Gymnocladus dioicus - pound unit out of stock
Heliopsis scabra Summer Nights
Ipomoea purpurea Split Second
Lathyrus High Scent
Lupinus densiflorus aureus
Lupinus polyphyllus Russell Mix
Nicotiana Tabacum Perique - 100 gram unit out of stock
Morinda citrifolia
Otatea acuminata
Papaver Lilac Pompon
Papaver setigerum Pepperbox - NEW PRICE
Porophyllum ruderale - germination test pending
Psychotria viridis
Ricinus communis Zanzibariensis
Rudbeckia occidentalis
Salpiglossis grandiflora Finest Mix
Sphaeralcea coccinea
Tropaeolum peregrinum
Verbascum Thapsus
Wisteria floribunda
Yucca glauca - 1/4 pound unit out of stock
Zinnia Ice Queen - 1/4 pound unit out of stock
Zinnia Orange King
Zinnia Purple Prince
Zinnia Strawberry Rhubarb Pie - 1/4 pound unit out of stock

Chervil - 1/4 pound unit out of stock
Corn, Hopi Blue
Tomato, Vintage Wine

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